A photograph I like
Hi again! I hope you are all well! In this blog I'm going to write about a photograph I like. I've always liked take photos, I remember when I was a little kid, like 9 years old, I always toke my uncle's video camera to record and play with it. When my mom bought her first digital camera, I've past the all day taking photos, with all my cellphones I always take photos. Maybe i have many thousands on my computer hahah. It is very difficult to mee choose only one photo I like. Looking at my photos, many moments have been reborn and nostalgic came to me, I miss so much my school friends, we have not seen each other because the pandemic, so I will choose this photo: I remeber a lot this day, It was 2018, when we were at fourth middle and we have to make a short movie for English. the movie was about two detectives who wanted to catch two robbers. My friend André and me were the detectives, Matias and Mauro were the robbers. We spend 2 days recording that video and every mom...